Month: January 2024

Sử dụng SSH command

Remove key from known_hosts Example Remove key or All answers are good, but for real SSH pro we have missing information how to remove ssh signature with (non-standard) port number. and you get warning, and to remove this, you need to use square brackets colon port number: Note, that probably there will be IP record for the […]

CWP – Install Mod_Security and Comodo

1) Register at Comodo Waf website [] as we will be needing Email and Password later. 2) Install Mod_Security. cd /usr/src wget tar xzf modsecurity-2.9.0.tar.gz cd modsecurity-2.9.0 ./configure –with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs make && make install 3) Create Mod_Security config file. wget –output-document=”/usr/local/apache/conf.d/modsec2.conf” 4) Restart Apache. service httpd restart 5) Check if Mod_Security is loaded […]